B. Riley Financial Inc. 在审计师解决了年度报告中的重大缺陷后,股价飙升了 61%。 B. Riley Financial Inc. experienced a 61% surge after auditors addressed material weaknesses in its annual report.
B. Riley Financial Inc. 的股价一度飙升 61%,此前审计师签署了其年度报告,指出该公司报告中存在重大缺陷以及一些修订数据。 B. Riley Financial Inc. soared as much as 61% after auditors signed off on its annual report, citing material weaknesses in the company's reporting and some revised data. 审计师 Marcum LLP 表示,财务报告内部控制存在缺陷,应受到“负面意见”。 Marcum LLP, the auditor, stated the weaknesses in internal controls over financial reporting merited an "adverse opinion." 尽管存在担忧,但该公司表示,并未发现其与有争议的前商业伙伴有任何关联,这减轻了其价值的一些压力。 Despite the concerns, the company said it found no connection with a controversial former business partner, easing some pressure on its value.