印第安纳州一名 10 岁男孩偷了一辆 SUV,引发警方的疯狂追捕,最终撞入池塘,受了轻伤,但无生命危险。 10-year-old Indiana boy steals SUV, leads police on reckless chase, crashes into pond, suffers non-life-threatening injuries.
印第安纳州一名 10 岁男孩偷了一辆 SUV,导致一系列鲁莽驾驶事故,包括肇事逃逸。 10-year-old boy in Indiana stole an SUV, leading to a series of reckless driving incidents, including a hit-and-run. 男孩驾驶越野车撞进了圣裘德天主教堂内的一处池塘。 The boy crashed the SUV into a pond on the property of St. Jude Catholic Church. 一名警官试图将车拦下,但男孩继续鲁莽驾驶。 An officer tried to pull the vehicle over, but the boy continued to drive recklessly. 事故发生后,孩子自行从SUV中逃出并被送往医院,所幸没有生命危险。 After the crash, the child exited the SUV on his own and was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.