有犯罪记录的 45 岁无家可归男子 Elliot Tramel Nowden 因在洛杉矶 Studio City 地铁列车上刺死一名女子而被捕。 45-year-old homeless man with a criminal record, Elliot Tramel Nowden, arrested for stabbing and killing a woman on a Metro train in Studio City, Los Angeles.
45 岁的埃利奥特·特拉梅尔·诺登是一名有犯罪记录的无家可归者,他因涉嫌在洛杉矶 Studio City 的地铁列车上刺死一名女子而因涉嫌谋杀和抢劫而被捕。 45-year-old Elliot Tramel Nowden, a homeless man with a criminal record, was arrested on suspicion of murder and robbery after he allegedly stabbed and killed a woman on a Metro train in Studio City, Los Angeles. 受害者身份不明,有人在 Studio City 站发现其颈部有刀伤。 The victim, whose identity remains unknown, was found with a stab wound in her neck at the Studio City station. 根据法庭记录和执法部门的消息,诺登此前曾在洛杉矶公共交通系统上袭击过乘客。 Nowden had previously assaulted passengers on the LA public transit system, according to court records and law enforcement sources.