安大略省立法机构再次否决了解除佩戴头巾禁令的动议。 Ontario's legislature again denied a motion to lift the ban on wearing keffiyehs.
安大略省立法机构再次否决了解除佩戴头巾禁令的动议,部分议员投票维持该禁令。 Ontario's legislature has again denied a motion to lift the ban on wearing keffiyehs, with some members voting to maintain the prohibition. 议长裁定,由于头巾的政治性质,人们不能在议事厅内佩戴头巾。然而,包括省长道格·福特在内的所有政党都呼吁议长推翻这一决定。 The Speaker, who has ruled that keffiyehs cannot be worn in the chamber due to their political nature, faced calls from all political parties, including Premier Doug Ford, to reverse the decision. 然而,由于一些政府成员拒绝了该提议,该动议第二次失败。 However, a motion to do so failed for a second time, as some government members rejected the proposal.