前总统特朗普取消了计划在威尔明顿举行的首次审判后集会。 Former President Trump canceled his first planned post-trial rally in Wilmington.
由于天气恶劣,前总统特朗普取消了原定于周六在北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿机场举行的纽约刑事审判开始以来的首次集会。 Former President Trump canceled his first planned rally since his criminal trial in New York began, scheduled for Saturday at the North Carolina city of Wilmington's airport, due to bad weather. 当特朗普宣布这一决定时,数千名支持者聚集在现场,要求人们离开并寻找庇护所,以躲避伴随着乌云和闪电的暴风雨。 Thousands of supporters had gathered at the site when Trump announced the decision, requesting people to leave and seek shelter due to a storm with dark clouds and lightning. 特朗普承诺稍后将在同一地点举行“更大、更好”的集会。 Trump promised to hold a "bigger and better" rally at the same venue at a later date.