第 17 季《英国达人秀》开播,歌手 Sydnie Christmas 和 Ssaulabi 表演团获得金色奖杯。 17th series of Britain's Got Talent launched with singer Sydnie Christmas and Ssaulabi Performance Troupe receiving golden buzzers.
英国达人秀第 17 季拉开帷幕,一位歌手和韩国武术家荣获金色奖章。 Britain's Got Talent kicked off its 17th series with a singer and South Korean martial artists securing golden buzzers. 28 岁的歌手 Sydnie Christmas 用她的歌声给评委们留下了深刻的印象,而 Ssaulabi 表演团的跆拳道技巧则让评委们着迷。 Singer Sydnie Christmas, 28, impressed the judges with her voice, while Ssaulabi Performance Troupe captivated with their taekwondo skills. 这个双片周末的首场演出还呈现了其他各种表演,包括不同寻常的歌手、令人惊叹的狗狗和活泼的啦啦队,争夺评委的认可。 The first show of the double-bill weekend also featured various other acts, including unusual singers, astounding dogs, and a lively cheer squad, vying for the judges' approval.