星期五下午 4:30,Birchwood Pike 发生车祸,3 名青少年受伤;其中一人伤势危急。 3 teenagers injured in a car crash on Birchwood Pike Friday afternoon; one critical, at 4:30 PM.
星期五下午,Birchwood Pike 发生车祸,3 名青少年受伤,其中一人情况危急。 3 teenagers injured in a car crash on Birchwood Pike Friday afternoon; one is in critical condition. 事故发生在下午 4:30 左右,当时车辆冲出道路右侧,撞到两棵树和一栋房屋。 The incident occurred around 4:30 PM when the vehicle ran off the right side of the road, hitting two trees and a house. 汉密尔顿县警长办公室交通部门正在调查这起车祸,由于涉事人员都是未成年人,因此不会公布姓名。 The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office Traffic Unit is investigating the crash and no names will be released as the individuals involved are juveniles.