渥太华市长马克·萨特克利夫在争议中完成了伦敦马拉松,他个人支付了旅费并促进了渥太华旅游业的发展。 Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe completed the London Marathon during controversy, paying for the trip personally and promoting Ottawa tourism.
渥太华市长马克·萨特克利夫参加了伦敦马拉松比赛,但他在参加伦敦贸易代表团的比赛并参加马拉松比赛一事上引发了争议。 Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe completed the London Marathon amid controversy over his attendance at a trade mission to London, where he participated in the marathon. 他为这次旅行辩护,称费用将由他自己承担,而且这是一个推广渥太华作为旅游目的地的机会。 He defended the trip, stating expenses will be paid out of his own pocket and that it's an opportunity to promote Ottawa as a tourist destination. 萨特克利夫感谢鼓励他的渥太华居民并向其他跑步者表示祝贺。 Sutcliffe thanked Ottawa residents who encouraged him and congratulated fellow runners.