M25 和达特福德交叉口的交通受到事故影响,造成拥堵和延误。 M25 and Dartford Crossing traffic affected by crash, causing congestion and delays.
M25 和达特福德十字路口的交通受到车祸影响。 Traffic on the M25 and Dartford Crossing was affected by a crash. 该事故导致交通拥堵和延误,一些司机的出行时间甚至增加了 90 分钟。 The incident led to congestion and delays, with some drivers experiencing up to 90 minutes of additional travel time. 事故处理完毕后,交通恢复正常。 Traffic returned to normal after the incident was cleared. 此次事故提醒我们当地企业的重要性以及在困难时期支持的必要性。 The crash serves as a reminder of the importance of local businesses and the need for support during challenging times.