在军事基地所在地伊斯法罕附近发生不明爆炸后,伊朗启动了德黑兰和设拉子的防空系统。 Iran activated air defense systems in Tehran and Shiraz following unexplained explosions near Isfahan, home to military sites.
据报道,伊朗中部城市伊斯法罕附近发生爆炸后,伊朗在德黑兰和设拉子等多座城市启动了防空系统。伊斯法罕拥有军事基地。 Iran activated air defense systems in several cities, including Tehran and Shiraz, after reports of explosions near Isfahan, a central city in Iran home to military sites. 爆炸原因尚不清楚,伊朗当局尚未证实发生袭击。 The cause of the explosions is unknown, and Iranian authorities have not confirmed an attack. 以色列尚未对此事发表评论。 Israel has not commented on the situation. 伊斯法罕以其历史遗迹而闻名,也是伊朗导弹生产、研究和开发设施的所在地。 Isfahan is known for its historic sites, but also hosts Iranian missile production, research, and development facilities.