4BC 广播电台重点介绍了玛莎拉蒂 Grecale Trofeo SUV,这是一款造型低调、标价 206,000 美元的意大利豪华车。 4BC radio station highlights the Maserati Grecale Trofeo SUV, a luxury Italian vehicle with subdued styling and $206,000 price tag.
4BC 广播电台讨论了玛莎拉蒂 Grecale Trofeo SUV,这是一款豪华的意大利汽车,其低调的造型隐藏了强大的性能。 4BC radio station discusses the Maserati Grecale Trofeo SUV, a luxurious Italian vehicle with subdued styling that hides its powerful performance. 旗舰车型售价为 206,000 美元,并提供三年无限里程保修。 The flagship model is priced at $206,000 and comes with a three-year, unlimited kilometre warranty. Grecale Trofeo 被描述为“披着羊皮的狼”,因为其看似保守的外表掩盖了其令人印象深刻的能力。 The Grecale Trofeo is described as a "wolf in sheep's clothing," due to its seemingly conservative exterior that belies its impressive capabilities.