Loop Energy 与 H2 Portable Power Corp. 的合并尚不确定。 Loop Energy's merger with H2 Portable Power Corp. is uncertain.
Loop Energy 是一家为商用车和固定电源提供氢燃料堆栈技术的公司,现宣布与 H2 Portable Power Corp. 和 1465123 B.C. 合并。 Loop Energy, a hydrogen fuel stack tech company for commercial vehicles & stationary power, announces its merger with H2 Portable Power Corp. & 1465123 B.C. 有限公司未经修改就无法继续经营。 Ltd cannot proceed without an amendment. 截至目前,尚未提出或同意任何修订,交易的完成仍存在不确定性。 As of now, no amendment has been proposed or agreed upon, with uncertainty over the transaction's completion. Loop Energy 的 eFlow™ 技术提高了燃料电池堆的性能和效率,降低了最终用户的运营成本,并使 OEM 能够降低资本成本并加快产品上市时间。 Loop Energy's eFlow™ tech improves fuel cell stack performance and efficiency, reducing operating costs for end-users and enabling OEMs to achieve lower capital costs and faster time-to-market.