奥顺州高等法院以抢劫和持有枪支的罪名判处 Wasiu Afolayan 和 Kola Adeyemi 死刑。 Osun State High Court sentences Wasiu Afolayan and Kola Adeyemi to death for robbery and firearm possession.
奥顺州高等法院以抢劫和非法持有枪支的罪名判处 Wasiu Afolayan(36 岁)和 Kola Adeyemi(34 岁)绞刑。 Osun State High Court sentences Wasiu Afolayan (36) and Kola Adeyemi (34) to death by hanging for robbery and unlawful possession of firearms. 这些罪犯均表示不认罪,但在被指控犯有四项罪名后,最终被判有罪,罪名包括共谋、武装抢劫、企图抢劫和非法持有武器。 The convicts, who pleaded not guilty, were found guilty after being arraigned on four count charges, including conspiracy, armed robbery, attempted robbery, and unlawful possession of arms. 抢劫案于 2018 年 12 月 7 日发生在奥绍博市奥克-奥尼特亚区 C.A.C 16 号。 The robbery took place on December 7, 2018, at C.A.C No.16, Oke-Onitea Area, Osogbo.