发现具有 4700 万年历史、长 36-50 英尺、已灭绝的 Madtsoiidae 蛇类 Vasuki Indicus。 47-million-year-old, 36-50 feet long, extinct Madtsoiidae snake Vasuki Indicus discovered.
研究人员在印度发现了一种名为 Vasuki Indicus 的巨大古蛇,它可能是有史以来最大的蛇类之一。 Researchers have discovered a massive ancient snake in India, named Vasuki Indicus, that may have been one of the largest snakes ever to exist. 这条蛇估计长 36 至 50 英尺,属于已灭绝的马德索科蛇类,被认为生活在约 4700 万年前。 Estimated to be between 36 and 50 feet long, the snake belonged to the extinct Madtsoiidae snake family and is believed to have lived about 47 million years ago. 这些脊椎化石是在印度古吉拉特邦的帕南德罗褐煤矿中发现的。 The fossilized vertebrae were found in the Panandhro Lignite Mine in Gujarat, India.