谷歌员工因参加反以色列抗议活动而被解雇。 Google employees terminated for participating in protests against Israel.
谷歌解雇了 28 名参与抗议该公司与以色列政府和军方签订的价值 12 亿美元的云计算和人工智能服务合同的员工。 Google has fired 28 employees who participated in protests against the company's $1.2bn contract with Israel's government and military, providing cloud computing and AI services. 这些员工参与了静坐并占领了纽约和加利福尼亚的谷歌办公室。 The employees were involved in sit-ins and occupying Google offices in New York and California. 谷歌全球安全副总裁克里斯·拉科 (Chris Rackow) 告知员工,经过调查,已有 28 名员工被解雇。 Google's VP of global security, Chris Rackow, informed staff that 28 employees were terminated following an investigation.