加拿大劳工大会主席指责保守党领袖皮埃尔·波利耶夫 (Pierre Poilievre) 是个骗子。 Canadian Labour Congress President accuses Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre of being a fraud.
加拿大劳工大会主席比亚·布鲁斯克 (Bea Bruske) 指责保守党领袖皮埃尔·波利耶夫 (Pierre Poilievre) 是个“骗子”,因为他把自己描绘成工人阶级的朋友。 Canadian Labour Congress President Bea Bruske has accused Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre of being a "fraud" for portraying himself as a friend of the working class. 布鲁斯克敦促工会在下次联邦选举之前揭露波利耶夫尔,下次联邦选举必须在 2025 年 10 月之前举行。 Bruske urged unions to expose Poilievre before the next federal election, which must take place by October 2025. 她引用了波利耶夫雷支持复工立法和主张员工退出工会的历史作为他对劳工怀有敌意的证据。 She cited Poilievre's history of supporting back-to-work legislation and advocating for employees to opt out of unions as evidence of his hostility towards labor.