克里墓地谋杀案第六名嫌疑人被捕并受到指控。 6th suspect arrested and charged in Kerry graveyard murder.
第六名嫌疑人因涉嫌与克里墓地致命谋杀案有关而被捕并受到指控;此前,已有五名男子受到指控。 6th suspect arrested and charged in connection with fatal Kerry graveyard murder; previously, five men had been charged. 这名 43 岁的嫌疑人在科克市被捕,并将在利斯托维尔地方法院出庭,他将被指控谋杀汤姆杜利。 The 43-year-old suspect was arrested in Cork City and will appear before Listowel District Court, where he will be charged with the murder of Tom Dooley. 该事件发生在 18 个月前,克里郡特拉利的一场葬礼上。 This incident occurred during a funeral in Tralee, Co. Kerry, 18 months ago.