随着物联网设备在全球范围内的激增,人工智能智能设备因收集用户数据而遭受黑客攻击的风险也随之增加。 AI-powered smart devices increase risk of hacking due to user data collection, as IoT devices surge worldwide.
手表、扬声器和门铃等人工智能智能设备在简化日常生活的同时也因用户数据收集而增加了黑客风险。 AI-powered smart devices, including watches, speakers, and doorbells, are streamlining daily lives but also increasing hack risk due to user data collection. 随着物联网设备的激增(全球估计有 170 亿台),用户需要更加警惕。 As IoT devices surge (estimated 17 billion worldwide), users need to become more vigilant. 为了防止网络攻击,使用智能设备时请注意必要的安全措施。 To protect against cyberattacks, be aware of necessary safeguards when using smart devices. 人工智能使智能设备更容易受到黑客攻击,因此了解风险和保障措施以确保安全。 AI makes smart devices easier to hack, so stay safe by understanding risks and safeguards.