特斯拉计划在全球裁掉 10% 的员工。 Tesla plans to lay off 10% of its global workforce.
特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克宣布,由于销量下滑和电动汽车价格战愈演愈烈,特斯拉计划在全球裁员 10% 以上。 Tesla plans to lay off more than 10% of its global workforce due to falling sales and an intensifying price war for electric vehicles (EVs), CEO Elon Musk announced. 此次裁员可能影响约 14,000 名员工,占公司 140,000 名员工的很大一部分。 The cuts could impact around 14,000 employees, a significant portion of the company's 140,000-strong workforce. 此前,特斯拉报告称,2024 年第一季度其汽车交付量四年来首次下滑。 This decision comes after Tesla reported its first decline in vehicle deliveries for four years during the first quarter of 2024.