Petros Pharmaceuticals 的 OTC 勃起功能障碍治疗技术获得了 FDA 的积极反馈。 Petros Pharmaceuticals receives FDA positive feedback on tech for OTC erectile dysfunction.
Petros Pharmaceuticals 的勃起功能障碍药物 STENDRA 的自我选择技术获得了 FDA 的积极反馈,该公司正在争取 OTC 地位。 Petros Pharmaceuticals receives FDA positive feedback on self-selection tech for STENDRA, an erectile dysfunction drug, as it aims for OTC status. FDA 承认该技术解决了人们的担忧,特别是对于使用硝酸盐的患者。 The FDA acknowledges the technology addresses concerns, particularly for nitrate-using patients. Petros 计划开发药品事实标签并继续开发 OTC STENDRA,有可能成为第一个可非处方的勃起功能障碍药物。 Petros plans to develop a Drug Facts Label and continue OTC STENDRA development, potentially becoming the first erectile dysfunction drug with OTC access.