大西洋城市长马蒂·斯莫尔 (Marty Small Sr.) 被指控危害其十几岁的女儿。 Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small Sr. charged with endangering their teenage daughter .
大西洋城市长马蒂·斯莫尔 (Marty Small Sr.) 和他的妻子、该市学校负责人拉奎塔·斯莫尔 (La'Quetta Small) 被指控在 12 月至 1 月期间多次对其十几岁的女儿进行身体和精神虐待,危害了她的福利。 Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small Sr. and his wife, La'Quetta Small, the city's superintendent of schools, have been charged with endangering the welfare of their teenage daughter by physically and emotionally abusing her on multiple occasions between December and January. 据称,这对夫妇用扫帚殴打他们的女儿,导致她失去知觉,还殴打并威胁她。 The couple allegedly hit their daughter with a broom, causing her to lose consciousness, and also punched and threatened her. 父母双方均面临二级危害儿童福利的指控。 Both parents face charges of second-degree endangering the welfare of a child.