谢文·弗伦奇 (Shevaun Ffrench) 因在达拉斯枪杀 20 岁的伊赛亚·布拉西格·普里克特 (Isaiah Blasig-Prickett) 而被捕。 Shevaun Ffrench was arrested for the fatal shooting of 20-year-old Isaiah Blasig-Prickett in Dallas.
29 岁的 Shevaun Ffrench 因在哈德纳尔街的一间公寓内枪杀 20 岁的 Isaiah Blasig-Prickett 而被达拉斯警方逮捕。 The 29-year-old Shevaun Ffrench was arrested by Dallas police in connection with the fatal shooting of 20-year-old Isaiah Blasig-Prickett at an apartment on Hudnall Street. 警察接到 911 报警电话后赶赴现场,发现 Blasig-Prickett 在一处公共区域遭受枪伤。 Officers responded to a 911 call reporting gunfire and found Blasig-Prickett with gunshot wounds in a common area. 他在医院被宣布死亡。 He was pronounced dead at the hospital. 弗伦奇被控谋杀罪,目前被关押在达拉斯县监狱,保释金为 10 万美元。 Ffrench, charged with murder, is held in the Dallas County Jail on a $100,000 bond.