拉胡尔·甘地声称,印度人民党的宣言忽略了通货膨胀和失业等关键问题。 Rahul Gandhi claims BJP's manifesto omits key issues of inflation and unemployment.
国大党领导人拉胡尔·甘地批评印度人民党的宣言中没有提到通货膨胀和失业问题。 Rahul Gandhi, Congress leader, criticized BJP's manifesto for not mentioning inflation and unemployment. 他在推特上表示,这些与民众生活息息相关的关键问题并未在印度人民党的宣言《Sankalp Patra》中讨论。 He said on Twitter that these crucial issues related to people's lives were not discussed in the BJP's manifesto, 'Sankalp Patra'. 甘地表示,印度的计划将为每个受过教育的年轻人提供30万个就业机会和10万卢比的固定工作。 Gandhi stated that INDIA's plan offers 30 lakh recruitments and a permanent job of Rs 1 lakh for every educated youth. 他敦促年轻人不要落入莫迪总理的陷阱,并加强国大党的力量,在该国掀起一场“就业革命”。 He urged the youth to not fall into PM Modi's trap and to strengthen the hands of Congress to bring an 'employment revolution' in the country.