尼日利亚陆军下士因涉嫌在拉各斯酒吧争执期间刺伤一名摩托车手而被捕。 Nigerian Army Lance Corporal arrested for allegedly stabbing a motorcyclist in Lagos during a bar dispute.
尼日利亚陆军下士因涉嫌在拉各斯的一场酒吧纠纷中刺伤一名商业摩托车手而被捕。 Nigerian Army Lance Corporal arrested for allegedly stabbing a commercial motorcyclist in Lagos during a bar dispute. 事件发生在伊科罗杜,受害者萨希德·伊萨受伤,生命垂危。 The incident occurred in Ikorodu, where the victim, Saheed Isa, sustained life-threatening injuries. 这名隶属于约贝州第 159 营的士兵被发现携带一把类似枪的刀,并用来实施袭击。 The soldier, attached to the 159 Battalion in Yobe, was found with a gun-like knife, which was used in the attack. 警方仍在进行调查。 The police investigation is ongoing.