财政部长尼古拉·威利斯在华盛顿特区会见五国财政部长小组,讨论全球经济挑战和新西兰经济的自由贸易。 Finance Minister Nicola Willis meets with Five Finance Ministers group in Washington DC to discuss global economic challenges and free trade for New Zealand's economy.
财政部长尼古拉·威利斯前往华盛顿特区,参加五国财政部长小组的第二次面对面会议,五国财政部长包括来自澳大利亚、美国、加拿大和英国的财政部长。 Finance Minister Nicola Willis travels to Washington DC for the second in-person meeting of the Five Finance Ministers group, including counterparts from Australia, the US, Canada, and the UK. 会议旨在讨论全球经济挑战以及通过自由贸易重建新西兰经济的途径。 The meeting aims to discuss global economic challenges and ways to rebuild New Zealand's economy through free trade. 威利斯还将出席国际货币基金组织和世界银行的春季会议。 Willis will also attend Spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.