第 22 届美国偶像前 20 名揭晓。 The 22nd American Idol's Top 20 revealed.
在近 3000 万张选票之后,美国偶像第 22 季的前 20 名选手揭晓,其余艺术家将争夺 125,000 美元的大奖和一份唱片合约。 American Idol Season 22's Top 20 contestants were revealed after nearly 30 million votes were cast, with the remaining artists vying for the $125,000 grand prize and a recording contract. 前 20 名选手在评委凯蒂·佩里 (Katy Perry)、莱昂内尔·里奇 (Lionel Richie) 和卢克·布莱恩 (Luke Bryan) 以及现场观众面前展开角逐。 The Top 20 competed in front of judges Katy Perry, Lionel Richie, and Luke Bryan and a live studio audience. 下一期节目中将有另外 6 名选手被淘汰,前 14 名将由观众投票和评委选择决定。 Six more contestants will be eliminated in the next episode, with the Top 14 determined by viewer votes and judges' selections.