4月13日,瑞恩·高斯林与音乐嘉宾克里斯·斯塔普尔顿一起主持了《周六夜现场》。 On April 13, Ryan Gosling hosted "Saturday Night Live" with musical guest Chris Stapleton.
4 月 13 日,瑞恩·高斯林 (Ryan Gosling) 主持《周六夜现场》,克里斯·斯塔普尔顿 (Chris Stapleton) 担任音乐嘉宾。 Ryan Gosling hosted "Saturday Night Live" on April 13, with Chris Stapleton as musical guest. 这是高斯林第三次以主持人的身份亮相,而斯塔普尔顿则是第三次以音乐嘉宾的身份进行表演。 Gosling made his third appearance as host, while Stapleton performed for his third time as musical guest. 高斯林最近凭借在《芭比娃娃》中饰演肯而获得奥斯卡奖提名,而斯塔普尔顿是一位获得格莱美奖的乡村歌手,拥有超过 100 首歌曲创作经验。 Gosling recently earned an Academy Award nomination for his performance as Ken in "Barbie," and Stapleton is a Grammy-winning country artist with over 100 songwriting credits to his name.