俄勒冈大学翻新 Villard 和大学大厅(6000 万美元项目)。 University of Oregon renovates Villard and University Hall ($60m project).
俄勒冈大学正在斥资 6000 万美元翻新其两座最古老的建筑,维拉德 (Villard) 和大学大厅 (University Hall)。 The University of Oregon is renovating its two oldest buildings, Villard and University Hall, in a $60m project. 该项目由州立法机构资助,保留了建筑的历史外观,同时对内部进行了现代化改造,增加了混凝土墙和钢筋以增强抗震性能。 Funded by the state legislature, the project keeps the buildings' historical exterior while modernizing interiors, adding concrete walls and reinforced steel for seismic protection. 大学大厅(University Hall),以前称为 Deady Hall,将讲述其种族主义历史。 University Hall, previously called Deady Hall, will address its racist history. 项目预计于 2025 年夏季完工。 Project completion is set for summer 2025.