说唱歌手 Boosie Badazz 在 Twitter 上警告粉丝煽动说唱争吵,可能会导致人员伤亡。 Rapper Boosie Badazz warns on Twitter about fans fueling rap beefs, potentially leading to fatalities.
说唱歌手 Boosie Badazz 在推特上表达了对粉丝煽动说唱争吵的担忧,担心这可能会导致人员伤亡。 Rapper Boosie Badazz expressed concern on Twitter about fans fueling rap beefs, fearing they may lead to fatalities. 在他的职业生涯中,他目睹了多起说唱死亡事件,他认为粉丝应该支持艺术家和他们的家人,而不是煽动冲突。 He has witnessed multiple rap deaths in his career and believes fans should support artists and their families instead of promoting conflicts. 他的评论是在最近 The Weeknd、A$AP Rocky、J. Cole 和 Kendrick Lamar 等说唱艺人之间发生争执之际发表的。 His comments come amidst recent rap beefs involving artists like The Weeknd, A$AP Rocky, J. Cole, and Kendrick Lamar.