阿德莱德港队以 9.12 (66) 比 9.9 (63) 战胜弗里曼特尔队,凭借比赛后期的逆转和杰森·霍恩-弗朗西斯的致胜一球。 Port Adelaide won 9.12 (66) to 9.9 (63) against Fremantle, with a late comeback and Jason Horne-Francis's match-winning goal.
阿德莱德港队以 9.12 (66) 比 9.9 (63) 的惊险胜利战胜了弗里曼特尔队,在比赛最后几分钟落后九分的情况下,凭借最后两个进球赢得了胜利。 Port Adelaide claimed a thrilling 9.12 (66) to 9.9 (63) victory against Fremantle, winning with the last two goals after trailing by nine points in the final minutes. 杰森·霍恩-弗朗西斯打进了制胜一球,阿德莱德港队目前在 AFL 积分榜上排名第二。 Jason Horne-Francis scored the match-winning goal, with Port Adelaide now holding second place on the AFL ladder. 尽管码头工人队遭遇了本赛季的第二场失败,但教练贾斯汀朗缪尔对球队在两场比赛中的表现感到自豪。 The Dockers suffered their second defeat of the season, but coach Justin Longmuir expressed pride in the team's performances in both games.