杰西·约翰逊 (Jesse Johnson) 因在 2022 年枪击阿里·奥斯曼 (Ali Osman) 时使用过度武力而被解雇。 Jesse Johnson fired for excessive force in 2022 shooting of Ali Osman.
凤凰城警察局因警官杰西·约翰逊在 2022 年的枪击事件中使用过度武力而解雇了他。 Phoenix Police Department fired officer Jesse Johnson for using excessive force in a 2022 shooting. 约翰逊开枪打死了向警车投掷石块的阿里·奥斯曼。 Johnson shot and killed Ali Osman, who was throwing rocks at police patrol cars. 该部门认为此次枪击事件“违反政策”,约翰逊可以对该判决提出上诉。 The department deemed the shooting "out-of-policy," and Johnson can appeal the decision. 临时局长迈克尔·沙利文 (Michael Sullivan) 确认,事件的随身摄像机镜头显示约翰逊没有遵守标准程序。 Interim Chief Michael Sullivan determined that body camera footage of the incident showed Johnson was not following standard procedures.