加州沿岸鲑鱼捕捞连续第二年被禁止。 California coast salmon fishing banned for second consecutive year.
由于鲑鱼资源减少,加州沿岸鲑鱼捕捞已连续第二年被禁止。 Salmon fishing off the California coast has been banned for the second year in a row due to dwindling stocks. 负责管理西海岸渔业的太平洋渔业管理委员会一致投票决定取消商业和休闲海洋鲑鱼捕捞季节。 The Pacific Fishery Management Council, which regulates fishing along the West Coast, voted unanimously to cancel the commercial and recreational ocean salmon season. 该决定旨在保护加州日益减少的鲑鱼种群,这些鲑鱼种群已受到干旱、热浪、农业和筑坝的影响。 The decision aims to protect California's waning salmon populations, which have been affected by drought, heatwaves, agriculture, and damming. 这是该州历史上第四次禁止捕捞鲑鱼。 This is the fourth time in state history that salmon fishing has been banned.