国大党就查谟和克什米尔议会选举向莫迪总理提出质询。 Congress questions PM Modi on Jammu and Kashmir Assembly polls.
国大党向总理莫迪就查谟和克什米尔议会选举的时间表提出质询,指责人民党领导的政府暂停该地区的民主。 Congress party questions PM Modi on timeline for Jammu and Kashmir Assembly polls, accusing BJP-led government of suspending democracy in the region. 莫迪总理声称,查谟和克什米尔地区将很快举行议会选举并恢复其邦地位,并承诺促进该地区发展并改善安全。 PM Modi asserts that Assembly elections will soon be held and statehood restored in Jammu and Kashmir, promising development and improved security. 此消息是在第 18 届人民院选举之前发布的,该地区的投票分五个阶段进行。 This announcement comes ahead of the 18th Lok Sabha elections, with voting in five phases in the region.