法官克里斯汀·霍金斯 (Kristen Hawkins) 以德雷克非组织者身份为由,驳回了他针对 Astroworld 音乐节的诉讼。 Judge Kristen Hawkins dismissed Drake from Astroworld festival lawsuits based on his non-organizer status.
克里斯汀·霍金斯 (Kristen Hawkins) 法官驳回了德雷克与 2021 年休斯顿 Astroworld 音乐节相关的诉讼,该音乐节造成 10 人死亡。 Judge Kristen Hawkins dismissed Drake from lawsuits related to the deadly 2021 Astroworld festival in Houston, where 10 people died. 德雷克是主打歌手特拉维斯·斯科特的特邀嘉宾,并与他一起表演。 Drake was a special guest of headliner Travis Scott and performed with him. 法官根据德雷克律师的辩称驳回了德雷克的诉讼,德雷克表示,他没有参与组织音乐会,因此对发生的死亡和伤害不承担责任。 The judge dismissed Drake based on arguments from his lawyers that he was not involved in organizing the concert and was thus not liable for the deaths and injuries that occurred.