经过 15 个月的调查,共逮捕 32 人,并在通过操控监狱门发现毒品走私行动后查获 16,385 颗芬太尼药片。 15-month investigation results in 32 arrests, 16,385 fentanyl pills seized after jail door manipulation leads to drug-smuggling operation discovery.
根据一名观察员提供的线索,拉勒米县警长办公室、怀俄明州刑事调查部门和美国缉毒局经过 15 个月的调查,逮捕了 32 人,并查获了 16,385 片芬太尼药片。 15-month investigation by Laramie County Sheriff's Office, the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigations, and the DEA led to 32 arrests and the seizure of 16,385 fentanyl pills following an observant detention deputy's tip. 调查是在发现监狱门被人操纵后展开的,最终确定有人利用监狱外墙的碎玻璃块进行毒品走私。 The investigation began after a door manipulation was discovered, leading to the identification of a drug-smuggling operation using a shattered glass block in the jail's exterior wall.