玛蒂尔达斯队在一场友谊赛中以 2-0 战胜墨西哥队,展现了其为巴黎奥运会所做的准备。 Matildas won 2-0 against Mexico in a friendly match, showcasing readiness for Paris Olympics.
在圣安东尼奥举行的一场友谊赛中,玛蒂尔达队以 2-0 战胜墨西哥队,凯特琳·福德和海莉·拉索为胜利做出了贡献。 The Matildas scored a 2-0 win over Mexico in a friendly match in San Antonio, with Caitlin Foord and Hayley Raso contributing to the victory. 尽管球队有多名伤病球员,但球队的表现表明他们已经为即将到来的巴黎奥运会做好了准备。 The team's performance, despite a list of injuries, demonstrates their readiness for the upcoming Paris Olympics. 明星前锋凯特琳·福德(Caitlin Foord)在第 9 分钟助攻首开纪录,并在第 52 分钟再入一球,展现出她出色的球技,带领球队取得胜利。 Star forward Caitlin Foord set up the opening goal in the 9th minute and scored another in the 52nd, showcasing her skills and leading the team to a strong victory.