名人堂教练约翰·卡利帕里与阿肯色州野猪队男子篮球队签订了一份为期 5 年、每年 750 万美元的合同。 Hall of Fame coach John Calipari joins Arkansas Razorbacks men's basketball team with a 5-year, $7.5M/year contract.
名人堂教练约翰·卡利帕里已正式加入阿肯色州野猪队男子篮球队,离开他在肯塔基大学的先前职位。 Hall of Fame coach John Calipari has officially joined the Arkansas Razorbacks men's basketball team, leaving his previous role at the University of Kentucky. 他与 Razorbacks 队的合同将于 4 月 8 日全国锦标赛前完成,目前已进入最后阶段。 His deal with the Razorbacks was in the final stages before completion before the national championship on April 8th. 卡利帕里已同意签署一份为期五年、每年价值 750 万美元的合同,从 7 月 1 日开始,其中包括 100 万美元的签约奖金和参加 NCAA 锦标赛的额外奖励。 Calipari has agreed to a five-year contract worth $7.5 million per year, beginning on July 1, with a $1 million signing bonus and additional incentives for NCAA tournament appearances.