一名 68 岁妇女被发现死在奥什科什 Venture Drive 的草丛中;死亡原因并无可疑。 68-year-old woman found dead in grass on Venture Drive, Oshkosh; death not considered suspicious.
奥什科什警方正在调查在 Venture Drive 1900 街区发现的一名 68 岁女性的死亡事件。 Oshkosh police are investigating the death of a 68-year-old woman found in the 1900 Block of Venture Drive. 当局于周一上午 8 点 47 分收到了有关该名女性尸体的信息,警察赶到现场后发现该女子躺在草地上。 Authorities received information about the deceased female at 8:47 a.m. on Monday, and upon arrival, officers discovered the woman lying in the grass. 她的死亡目前被认为没有可疑,奥什科什警察局和温尼贝戈县验尸官办公室都在对此事进行调查。 Her death is currently not considered suspicious, and both the Oshkosh Police Department and the Winnebago County Coroner's Office are investigating the incident.