委内瑞拉退役将军在美国被判处 21 年以上监禁。 Retired Venezuelan general sentenced to over 21 years in US prison.
委内瑞拉退役三星陆军将领克莱弗·阿尔卡拉曾两次企图推翻委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗,被美国地区法官阿尔文·K·赫勒斯坦判处 21 年监禁。 A retired three-star Venezuelan army general, Cliver Alcalá, who twice attempted coups against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, was sentenced to over 21 years in prison by U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein. 阿尔卡拉承认向由毒品资助的叛军“哥伦比亚革命武装力量”(FARC)提供武器,美国认为该组织是外国恐怖组织。 Alcalá admitted to providing weapons to drug-funded rebels, considered by the U.S. as a foreign terrorist organization, known as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). 检察官最初寻求判处阿尔卡拉 30 年监禁,但美国法官阿尔文·赫勒斯坦 (Alvin Hellerstein) 判处阿尔卡拉 21 年零 8 个月监禁。 Prosecutors initially sought a 30-year prison sentence but U.S. Judge Alvin Hellerstein ordered Alcalá to spend 21 years and eight months in prison.