科苏特县火灾造成 1 人死亡:一名 45 岁男子在科苏特县蒂通卡附近的一片农场发生火灾中死亡。 1 dead in Kossuth County fire: A 45-year-old man died in a fire at an acreage near Titonka, Kossuth County.
科苏特县火灾造成 1 人死亡:科苏特县蒂通卡附近一片农场发生的一场大火导致 45 岁男子 Brian L. Janssen 死亡。 1 dead in Kossuth County fire: A 45-year-old man, Brian L. Janssen, died in a large fire at an acreage near Titonka, Kossuth County. 火灾发生在凌晨 4:30 之前,住在那里的妇女告诉调度员,她从他们的车间附属建筑中看到了火光。 The fire was reported just before 4:30 a.m., and the woman living there informed the dispatcher she could see the glow of fire from their workshop outbuilding. 州消防局正在协助确定火灾原因。 The State Fire Marshall's Office is assisting in determining the cause of the fire.