拜登竞选广告聚焦阿曼达·祖拉夫斯基在德克萨斯州濒死时拒绝堕胎事件。 Biden campaign ad spotlights Amanda Zurawski's near-death abortion denial in Texa.
拜登竞选广告将德克萨斯州一名因堕胎被拒而濒临死亡的女子归咎于特朗普。 Biden campaign ad blames Trump for near-death of Texas woman denied abortion. 广告的主角是阿曼达·祖拉夫斯基 (Amanda Zurawski),她是一名流产妇女,由于德克萨斯州法律禁止堕胎,即使在医学上有必要的情况下,她也拒绝堕胎,导致自己险些因感染而死亡。 The ad features Amanda Zurawski, a woman who almost died from infections after she was denied an abortion following a miscarriage due to a Texas law that prohibits abortions even when medically necessary. 广告最后以“唐纳德·特朗普做了这件事”这句话结束。 The ad concludes with the phrase "Donald Trump did this." 该广告的发布是在特朗普发表关于堕胎立场的声明之后发布的,他表示,他很自豪能够任命推翻罗伊诉韦德案的法官。 The release of this ad follows Trump's statement on his stance on abortion, where he said he was proud to have appointed justices who overturned Roe v. Wade.