洋基队的斯坦顿在第三局的大满贯帮助球队以 8-3 击败蓝鸟队,取得了自 2020 年以来最好的 10 场开局。 Yankees' Stanton's grand slam in the 3rd inning helps them defeat Blue Jays 8-3, leading their best 10-game start since 2020.
吉安卡洛·斯坦顿在第三局的大满贯帮助纽约洋基队以 8-3 击败多伦多蓝鸟队,这是他们本赛季开局十场比赛中的第八场胜利。 Giancarlo Stanton's grand slam in the third inning helped the New York Yankees defeat the Toronto Blue Jays 8-3, marking their eighth win in ten games to begin the season. 斯坦顿的强力击球距离为 417 英尺,为洋基队取得 5-1 的领先优势,这也是他自 2022 年 9 月以来的第一个大满贯。 Stanton's powerful hit, a 417-foot drive, secured a 5-1 lead for the Yankees and was his first grand slam since September 2022. 洋基队已经赢得前三场系列赛,并取得了自 2020 年以来最好的 10 场开局。 The Yankees have won their first three series and are off to their best 10-game start since 2020.