艾米莉亚 (Emilia) 在阿根廷开启了她的 10 场 .mp3 巡演,并与 Spotify EQUAL 合作,推出全女性开场表演。 Emilia kicks off her 10-show .mp3 Tour in Argentina, partnering with Spotify EQUAL to feature all-female opening acts.
艾米莉亚 (Emilia) 在阿根廷开始了她的 .mp3 巡回演唱会,10 场演出门票全部售罄,其中包括 4 月 6 日在布宜诺斯艾利斯 Movistar Arena 举行的第一场演出。 Emilia starts her .mp3 Tour in Argentina with 10 sold-out shows, including the first at Movistar Arena in Buenos Aires on April 6. 这场音乐会有特邀嘉宾、高架走秀、三块屏幕、四套服装、 12 名舞者和焰火表演。 The concert features special guests, an elevated catwalk, three screens, four costume changes, 12 dancers, and fireworks. 艾米莉亚 (Emilia) 与 Spotify EQUAL 合作,选择了全女性开场表演者,例如前两场演出的康妮·伊斯拉 (Connie Isla),以支持新兴艺术家。 Emilia partnered with Spotify EQUAL to select all-female opening acts, such as Connie Isla for the first two dates, to support emerging artists.