百时美施贵宝的 KarXT 精神分裂症疗法在第 3 阶段试验中表现出良好耐受性的安全性,并且不会增加体重。 Bristol Myers Squibb's KarXT schizophrenia therapy shows well-tolerated safety profile with no weight gain in Phase 3 trials.
百时美施贵宝的实验性精神分裂症治疗药物 KarXT 在 3 期临床试验中表现出了良好耐受性的安全性,表明治疗期间不会引起体重增加,而体重增加是使用抗精神病药物治疗精神分裂症的常见副作用。 Bristol Myers Squibb's experimental schizophrenia therapy, KarXT, has demonstrated a well-tolerated safety profile in a Phase 3 program, indicating no weight gain associated with the treatment, a common side effect with antipsychotic use in schizophrenia. 根据EMERGENT-4和EMERGENT-5试验的数据,65%的试验参与者在52周内体重减轻。 According to data from EMERGENT-4 and EMERGENT-5 trials, 65% of trial participants experienced weight reduction over 52 weeks. 该公司表示,KarXT 的副作用情况与之前的试验数据一致。 The company stated that KarXT's side effect profile was consistent with prior trial data.