姆利斯瓦当选为地区反腐败机构主席。 Mliswa elected chairperson of regional anti-corruption organ.
津巴布韦的 Temba Mliswa,曾任津巴布韦非洲民族联盟爱国阵线马绍纳兰西区主席和诺顿区议员,当选为非洲议员反腐败网络(APNAC)南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)分会的首任主席。 Zimbabwe's Temba Mliswa, a former Zanu PF Mashonaland West chairperson and Norton legislator, has been elected as the inaugural Chairperson of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Chapter of the African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption (APNAC). 此次选举是在赞比亚卢萨卡的 APNAC 会议期间举行的。 The election occurred in Lusaka, Zambia, during an APNAC conference. 作为新任主席,姆利斯瓦强调了成员们致力于在国家和地区层面打击腐败的重要性。 As the new chairperson, Mliswa emphasized the importance of members' commitment to combating corruption at both national and regional levels.