经英厄姆县警长办公室和密歇根州警察局联合调查,23 岁的杰克逊县居民科里·斯旺因儿童色情罪名被捕。 23-year-old Jackson County resident Corey Swan arrested on child pornography charges, following a joint investigation by Ingham County Sheriff's Office and Michigan State Police.
经过英厄姆县警长办公室和密歇根州警察局的联合调查,23 岁的杰克逊县居民科里·斯坦利·斯旺 (Corey Stanley Swan) 因持有和引诱等多项儿童色情罪名被捕。 23-year-old Jackson County resident, Corey Stanley Swan, was arrested on multiple child pornography charges, including possession and solicitation, after a joint investigation by the Ingham County Sheriff's Office and Michigan State Police. 调查始于两名儿童报告称斯旺在社交媒体上对其进行了不当联系。 The investigation began when two children reported being inappropriately contacted by Swan on social media. 他将面临最高 20 年监禁和 25 万美元保释金。 He faces up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 bond.