Ather Energy 首席执行官敦促印度继续对电动滑板车提供补贴,到 2030 年实现 70% 的电气化,减少对化石燃料的依赖。 Ather Energy CEO urges India to continue e-scooter subsidies for 70% electrification by 2030, reducing fossil fuel dependence.
Ather Energy 首席执行官表示,印度必须继续对电动滑板车进行补贴以促进其普及,这对于到 2030 年实现两轮车车队 70% 的电气化至关重要。 Ather Energy CEO states that India must continue e-scooter subsidies to boost adoption, crucial for 70% electrification of two-wheeler fleet by 2030. 补贴帮助世界第三大石油进口国印度减少对化石燃料的依赖。 Subsidies help India, the world's 3rd-largest oil importer, reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Ather Energy 新推出的 Rizta 电动滑板车系列针对家庭市场,该市场比性能市场大四倍,旨在提高电动滑板车的采用率和销量。 Ather Energy's new range of Rizta e-scooters targets families, a market four times larger than the performance segment, aiming to increase e-scooter adoption and sales.