切斯特动物园出生的 6 英尺高的罗斯柴尔德长颈鹿幼崽 Edie 加入了保护繁殖计划。 6ft Rothschild's giraffe calf Edie born at Chester Zoo joins conservation breeding program.
身高 6 英尺的罗斯柴尔德长颈鹿幼崽埃迪出生于切斯特动物园,这是它首次被带到围场。 6ft tall Rothschild's giraffe calf Edie, born at Chester Zoo, has been introduced to the paddock for the first time. 埃迪是国际保护繁殖计划的一部分,该计划旨在确保这种极度濒危物种的未来,目前仅剩 2,500 只。 Edie is part of the international conservation breeding program aiming to secure the future of the critically endangered species, with only 2,500 remaining. 切斯特动物园在乌干达的努力促进了两个国家公园中罗斯柴尔德长颈鹿数量的增加。 Chester Zoo's efforts in Uganda have contributed to a rise in Rothschild's giraffe numbers in two national parks.