北达科他州立法者预计将对国会提议的年龄限制提出法律挑战,并为其潜在的最高法院辩护预算 100 万美元。 North Dakota lawmakers expect a legal challenge to a proposed congressional age limit and budget $1M for its potential Supreme Court defense.
北达科他州立法者预计国会提出的年龄限制将受到法律挑战,并估计需要 100 万美元才能向美国最高法院进行辩护。 North Dakota lawmakers expect a legal challenge to a proposed congressional age limit and estimate $1M to defend it up to the U.S. Supreme Court. 最高立法小组一致批准了一项 100 万美元的预算,用于该州捍卫 6 月 11 日投票批准的宪法倡议中提出的年龄限制。 A top legislative panel has unanimously approved a $1M cost estimate for the state to defend an age limit proposed in a constitutional initiative approved for the June 11 ballot. 一些法律学者和政治观察家认为,州对国会议员的年龄限制是违宪的,他们援引了 1995 年美国最高法院的一项裁决,即各州不得设定超出美国宪法规定的国会资格。 Some legal scholars and political observers argue that a state age limit for members of Congress would be unconstitutional, citing a 1995 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that states cannot set congressional qualifications beyond those in the U.S. Constitution.