由于审计流程延迟,Christina Lake Cannabis Corp. 推迟了年度财务报告。 Christina Lake Cannabis Corp. delays annual financial filing due to audit process delays.
由于审计流程比预期长,Christina Lake Cannabis Corp. (CLC) 不会在 120 天的期限内提交年度财务报表、管理层的讨论和分析以及首席执行官/首席财务官的认证。 Christina Lake Cannabis Corp. (CLC) won't submit its annual financial statements, management's discussion and analysis, and CEO/CFO certifications within the 120-day deadline due to a longer-than-expected audit process. 延迟的原因是测试水平高、人员有限、产量增加以及新的产品线。 The delay is attributed to high testing levels, limited staff, increased production, and new product lines. CLC 和审计师 DMCL LLP 计划于 2024 年 5 月 31 日之前提交文件。 CLC and auditor DMCL LLP aim to file by May 31, 2024.